New & Prospective Clients
As of January 8, 2025, we are booked out through mid-February 2025. Also, we are only able to take on full appraisals needed for tax or estate purposes (with the effective date, or “as of” date, within the last 5 years) which typically range $8,000-$20,000. We appreciate your patience and understanding during our small company’s growth and look forward to providing a wider suite of services in the future. If this works for you, please submit a project intake form, and we’ll confirm timeline expectations after review.
For quick-turnaround consulting needs requiring immediate attention, we still request that you schedule a pre-paid meeting using our “Engineer On Call” service (with current pricing for each meeting length shown in the “Click to Schedule Appointment” part of the form).
Thank you!
(as of November 19, 2024)
Appraisal Requests
For appraisals (present day or retrospective/past-dated), we ask for our intake/discovery form to be completed before anything else. Please be sure to include as many details and attach as much documentation as possible. See which documents make our work most efficient here. We will schedule a 30-minute consultation with you once we begin working on your project. [If you get ERROR 503 with the form link, email]
Technical Questions and/or Small Projects
If you’re requesting help understanding a specific topic, have a question on a document/offer/statement, or if you’d like some guidance on a matter, please see our “Engineer On Call” service to schedule a meeting with Tracy.
The Mineral Rights Forum also could be a good (and free) option if you’re comfortable putting the question on an open, online forum.
Other Needs / Questions / Messages
Note: If you requesting a project, save yourself some time and please fill out our intake/discovery form instead of the form below.