Even the best operators make mistakes. A single well may have hundreds of royalty owners (each with their own royalty payment terms and decimal amount) and each operator may have hundreds or thousands of wells. All of this is managed by a handful of Division Order Analysts, land teams, and accountants, likely who are doing their best but sorely overloaded.
If you have questions regarding your royalty check or if you just want to know more, Pecan Tree can dive into the details and determine if you’re being paid what you’re owed.
Example situations:
- Excessive deductions of post-production costs not allowed in lease
- Missing wells from statements
- Missing statements from operators
- Duplicate deductions
- Incorrect ownership decimal
- Shut-in payments due but not paid
- Missing oil, gas, plant products from statement
- Changes in deductions with a new operator
- Clerical errors, mathematical errors, or faulty systems
- Suspended payments due to title issue (or other unknown issue)